With Covid-19 dominating the news and the thoughts of many people around the world, we see our world changing right before our very eyes. This virus has been declared by the World Health Organization as a pandemic. Here in the United States, President Trump has declared the situation to be a national emergency and has created a task force of goverment health officials, the CDC, virus experts, the pharmaceutical industry, and other private groups to work together for solutions.
The spread of this virus has changed the way we do business, the way we travel, the way we worship, and general everyday life for each of us. It goes without saying that where the spread of this virus seems to be strongest that even the construction industry has been disrupted. Just like you, Synergy Custom Services is confronted with coping with the duty to do what can be done to stop the spread while still facing the economic pressures related to doing business, providing a paycheck, and paying the bills that still must be paid.
On 2 April, 2020, Governor Kemp announced a Shelter-In-Place directive that took place effective at 6:00 pm on Friday, 3 April, 2020 and would run through Monday, 13 April, 2020, at noon. On 8 April,2020, Governor Kemp issued an extension to the Shelter-In-Place directive that extends the directive until 30 April, 2020
Among those industries considered essential, the housing construction industry was named. Therefore, Synergy will be open and performing inspections as appropriate. Because of my own heart-related health issues, I am seeking every way possible to minimize risk to being exposed to the virus. Because of that, if a project is located in an area that is a "hot spot" or offers higher than a low to moderate risk of exposure, I have been advised my primary care physician to not enter those areas.
We all need to do what we can to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and our coworkers to help keep everyone safe while we still make every reasonable effort to get our business done. In the view of Synergy Custom Services (of course, my personal view), that none of us should take unnecessary risks. Because of that, as much as possible, I am practicing "social distancing" both professionally and personally. That means not shaking hands, keeping certain distances apart, and communicating by phone, text, and email as much as possible. Each person who works with Synergy is encouraged to do the same as much as possible. Working together, we can all bring this situation to a speedy end.
The most important thing any of us can do is to stay informed during these rapidly changing times. We must be careful to get our news from reliable sources rather than just memes and posts on social media. The spread of disinformation does not help anyone and unneceessarily adds to fear, panic, and counfusion.
As a final thought, let me encourage everyone to NOT live in fear during these times. The best way to not live in fear is to stay informed and to practice safety in our daily lives.